Another phishing gang broken up by international co-operation – but there will still be more phishing attacks…

Working together is one of the best ways to beat the threat actors. Europol has had another success in closing down a phishing gang, arresting suspects and seizing assets: Phishing gang behind several million euros worth of losses busted in Belgium and the Netherlands | Europol ( Phishing and social …

Microsoft versioning vulnerability – we have the solution

Ransomware cartoon

This is a ransomware encryption attack, that Octagon’s backup solution is designed to mitigate against. The attack exploits the Microsoft 365 versioning feature, when editing a file, saved in SharePoint or OneDrive. Once the threat actors gets into the cloud storage they can execute their attack and start encrypting your …

Threat actors come up with yet another way to steal your Microsoft credentials…

I have just written this article, showing that more than 24billion stolen credentials are available for sale on the dark web: Now here is a voice mail phishing attack that is designed to steal your Microsoft credentials – so they can join the other 24 billion on the Dark Web: …

Ransomware attacks – just in case you have forgotten that any organisation can be compromised – three tips to help you face up to the threat

Verizon Stats

Bored with ransomware stories? Read this one, it has a very nice Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy reference. There have been a flurry of ransomware attacks in the news recently – but these are only the ones that make the headlines. Louisiana authorities investigating ransomware attack on city of Alexandria …