American Airlines data breach due to employee email accounts being compromised

American Airlines had to write to customers to explain that personal data had been stolen through a cyber-attack – although they did state in the letter that there was no evidence of that personal data having been misused! I would like to see their evidence of that, because I think …

Then there was a third problem with WordPress… BackupBuddy

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WordPress plugin called BackupBuddy I wrote an article today for our training site CyberAwake, questioning exactly how much governance organisations are extending to their websites. The article started off because of two WordPress issues this week and during my background reading for the article I came across this from last …

Cyber Security and Paper!


I have just published an article over on our online training site, CyberAwake, about how you start a cyber security review and then how paper becomes a significant step in that process: Where are the boundaries for your cyber security? – CyberAwake