Cold War spying is a long way from today’s cyber-espionage weapons but they both successfully stole information – #BeCyberSmart

Source: The Brush Pass Project Brazen

This article comes via Bruce Schneier, and fits nicely into the Weekend Project – it is about security and has some connections to the posts we run here at Smart Thinking. Both Clive and I have attended Bruce Schneier speaking events, and through Clive’s links with Edinburgh Napier University have …

Zero-day targeted attack against journalists using Google Chrome

This attack was highly targeted, using spyware from an Israeli cyber weapons company Candiru. To get the spyware onto the target machines the threat actors exploited, what was then, a zero-day vulnerability in Google Chrome. Zero-day used to infect Chrome users could pose threat to Edge and Safari users, too …

Journalists are among the targets of state sponsored hacking and espionage

This is an interesting story from Cedric Pernet at TechRepublic looking at the types of threats and attacks faced by journalists: State-sponsored cyberespionage campaigns continue targeting journalists and media | TechRepublic It gives you an idea of the investment in time, money and technical resources state sponsored hacking groups make. …