A bug in ChatGPT has leaked user chat histories with the LLM AI (Large Language Model Artificial Intelligence) to other users. ChatGPT bug leaked users’ conversation histories – BBC Tech News This programming bug has been fixed but this story highlights other privacy issues when using this type of AI …
Microsoft 365 and ChatGPT
I gave a lunchtime online talk this week to a group business professionals, answering ten set questions that ranged from “did I think robots would take over the world” to “what were my top tips for a small business with limited finance when it came to cyber security”. AI and …
Poisoning AI output
We all know (unless you have had your head under a pillow) that ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence system that among its capabilities it can write a love poem, and academic paper, computer code or even your homework. It can also answer your questions – just ask Bing! ChatGPT AI …
Unintentional data leak
Although this article looks at the image cropping security issue from the position of a whistle-blower, it could just as easily apply to a document you send out to a client or supplier or use internally. For example and image of pay scales across a company where you crop out …
Here is an update to the ChatGPT debate
Influences are pushing a new “get rich quick scheme” – get an AI to write a story for you and submit it for publishing. IT has caused one publishing house to close for unsolicited submissions: Sci-fi publisher Clarkesworld halts pitches amid deluge of AI-generated stories | The Guardian On top …