Are you among the 300,000 plus shops using PrestaShop? If so read on… If you have an online shop and have no idea what platform you are using, definitely read on…

If you read the above headline and know your company has an online shop, but you are unsure what platform your website managers are using, or even who has the responsibility for the cyber security of that website, then you have an even bigger problem. If your customer’s personal information …

Information leaks because of messaging apps – does it impact you?

This is a very interesting report from the ICO about the use of messaging apps, in particular WhatsApp, during the pandemic and the issue of information being lost or unaccountable because “backed-up”, “approved” channels were not used. Behind the Screens ( We have an issue at the moment similar to …

Knowledge of the current state of ransomware is an essential step in everyone’s cyber security plan

Various departments of the US Government have issued a joint advisory about MedusaLocker ransomware as part of their #stopransomware initiative. #StopRansomware: MedusaLocker | CISA Knowledge of circulating ransomware malware helps all organisations and individuals respond to the threats, when organisations that have been compromised, delay reporting the attacks or even …