The FBI warning of DeFi vulnerabilities being exploited

The FBI has issued a warning to investors who plan to Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Platforms for crypto-currency transactions highlighting the ease with which threat actors are exploiting any vulnerabilities in the platform’s security. Cyber Criminals Increasingly Exploit Vulnerabilities in Decentralized Finance Platforms to Obtain Cryptocurrency, Causing Investors to Lose Money …

You get the idea that Bruce Schneier does not like cryptocurrencies

There have been a number of attacks on decentralized finance (DeFi) systems recently – and here is another. A hacker abused the smart contract system at Beanstalk Farms, a decentralized finance (DeFi) project  and sent themselves $182 million. Clever Cryptocurrency Theft – Schneier on Security Beanstalk cryptocurrency project robbed after …

Ronin Network bailed out – FOLLOW UP

Last month we covered the $625m theft from Ronin, using a web3/smart contract, exploit against the decentralised finance service (DeFi). Now the company (and it’s clients) have been bailed out by cash investment by cryptocurrency giant Binance. Ronin Network bailed out by crypto giant Binance after hack – BBC News

The blockchain is not the end of the security process – UPDATED

This post was originally made on 30 March 2022 web3 (with a lowercase “w” of course) and its use of blockchain for better cybersecurity seems like a good idea. However here is another “profitable” cyber-attack on the technology – exploiting the processes to get into the secure systems. Ethereum sidechain …