If there is way for threat actors to abuse legitimate tools, of course they do it!

Google’s Tag Manager (GTM) is a system for managing HTML and Javascript analytic tags on website, especially ecommerce sites. A report by The Recorded Future has found that threat actors have been installing malicious e-skimmers scripts that can steal customer card data and other personally identifiable information exploiting GTM. Google …

Do you use FishPig ecommerce software? You don’t know. Then check now because it may have been compromised.

This is a classic supply chain attack. UK based FishPig, seller of Magento WordPress integrations, ecommerce software has discovered that its distribution server had been compromised, which allowed threat actors backdoor access to the customer’s systems. The ecommerce software is believed to be used by more than 200,000 websites. Breach …

Are you among the 300,000 plus shops using PrestaShop? If so read on… If you have an online shop and have no idea what platform you are using, definitely read on…

If you read the above headline and know your company has an online shop, but you are unsure what platform your website managers are using, or even who has the responsibility for the cyber security of that website, then you have an even bigger problem. If your customer’s personal information …