Having written yesterday about why technical cyber security defences are essential but are flawed because of the human element can be exploited directly by social engineering, here is a costly real world example of social engineering working: North Korean Hackers Steal $1.5B in Cryptocurrency – Schneier on Security There is …
When technical cyber security fails you…
It is not unreasonable to say that ransomware is at epidemic levels, report after report says that malware, ransomware and cyber extortion is on the rise (Beaman, Barkworth, Akande, Hakak and Khan. 2021 and Oz, Aris, Levi and Uluagac. 2021), and that cyber security is important. We all take precautions …
Phishing network disrupted
Phishing attacks are repeatedly shown to be the number one cyber security risk for organisations in the UK – see the report linked below. So, anything that disrupts the threat actor’s ability to carry out and exploit these types of cyber-attacks is good news for everyone. Microsoft and the US …
If they annoy you enough…
…you might just give the threat actors your Google credentials. A malware campaign, detected by OALABS researchers, locks your web browser into “kiosk mode” and asks you for your Google credentials to unlock it. Of course, the malware then steals those credentials. Malware locks browser in kiosk mode to steal …
Why Cyber Security Awareness Training is Importatnt?
Whatever technical defences you (and I) rely on, there is a probability that the threat actors will find ways to bypass them: Microsoft 365 anti-phishing feature can be bypassed with CSS (bleepingcomputer.com) If the phishing email gets as far as your team member’s inbox, they had better be able to …
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