Apple Mail – now protects your privacy when it comes to those email newsletters

apple logo

This is a difficult one. We, like many businesses and organisations, use email marketing – in our case MailChimp – and as part of these campaigns we have to operate within the GDPR rules and we like to track how people interact with our marketing materials. This is carried out …


No Spam

There has been a big increase in spam because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Here is a radio programme going into the history, background and modern use of Spam. Not quite what you expect…

Yes people do track a top ten for malware. Do you want to know what the #1 is?

It’s Emotet – this is obviously where the cyber-criminals are making their money. Emotet reestablishes itself at the top of the malware world • The Register Emotet is operated by an operation called Cryptolaemus, and they have been developing the code to bring the malware back after it had been …