There may not be direct cyber attacks from the Russia Ukraine conflict but others are taking advantage of the situation

Researchers at Google have been tracking various phishing cyber attacks, that are exploiting the Russia Ukraine conflict, but originate from other countries. China, Iran, North Korea, Russia and others using Ukraine invasion in phishing attacks: Google – The Record by Recorded Future Both state sponsored and financially motivated groups are …

Report a malicious email through the NCSC website – and more password advice

CyberAwake passwords

You can report a suspect malicious email through the National Cyber Security Centre website – over 10,000,000 have been reported: Nation of digital defenders blow the whistle on over 10… – NCSC.GOV.UK Report a scam email – NCSC.GOV.UK There is also good advice there about passwords – but see our …

Guernsey sees an increase in phishing email cyber attacks – training is the best defence

Cybersecurity email threat

According to the States of Guernsey islanders have faced a rapid increase in cyber attacks since the start of the Ukraine Russia conflict. This is based on information from a local cyber-security firm, who had a client hacked by phishing emails. Guernsey cyber-security warning for islanders and businesses – BBC …