Fighting back against ransomware – publishing a decryptor


Bitdefender, in conjunction with Europol, the Zürich Public Prosecutor’s Office, the Zürich Cantonal Police and the NoMoreRansom Project, has created a decryptor for the LockerGoga ransomware. Bitdefender, Europol, Swiss police publish decryptor for LockerGoga ransomware – The Record by Recorded Future This will help you is you are infected with …

Another phishing gang broken up by international co-operation – but there will still be more phishing attacks…

Working together is one of the best ways to beat the threat actors. Europol has had another success in closing down a phishing gang, arresting suspects and seizing assets: Phishing gang behind several million euros worth of losses busted in Belgium and the Netherlands | Europol ( Phishing and social …

Good news – Android FluBot malware stopped by Europol

International co-operation between law enforcement agencies in eleven countries has put a stop to FluBot mobile malware which was spreading rapidly rapidly by text messaging between Android devices. This malware was stealing sensitive data such as passwords and banking information from infected Android devices around the world. The complex investigation …

Global co-operation brings down a giant cyber-criminal website selling stolen login credentials

image from Europol

As you can see from the image above this was a worldwide effort, including the National Crime Agency and Europol, to close the doors on RaidForums, a resource that cyber criminals used to buy and sell stolen information. Unusually this site was on the internet – you and I could …