The FBI warning of DeFi vulnerabilities being exploited

The FBI has issued a warning to investors who plan to Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Platforms for crypto-currency transactions highlighting the ease with which threat actors are exploiting any vulnerabilities in the platform’s security. Cyber Criminals Increasingly Exploit Vulnerabilities in Decentralized Finance Platforms to Obtain Cryptocurrency, Causing Investors to Lose Money …

More ransomware money returned – but your cyber security plan should not depend on that. Do you have a cyber security plan?

Masterclass September 2022

This time the US Department of Justice has returned about half a million dollars worth of Bitcoin to two hospital groups who had paid ransomware ransoms to North Korean threat actors. US seizes stolen funds from suspected North Korean hackers – BBC News However it is better to have not …

What is the UK’s official response to Chinese cyber aggression?

Well according to report by the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee it is “incoherent and muted”: Encoding values: Putting tech at the heart of UK foreign policy – Foreign Affairs Committee ( Then there was this from last week: UK response to Chinas tech push ‘incoherent and muted’ • …

Joint advisory by various US agencies about North Korean ‘Maui’ ransomware

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the US Department of the Treasury have released a joint Cybersecurity Advisory about the threat of North Korean state sponsored hacking: North Korean State-Sponsored Cyber Actors Use Maui Ransomware to Target the Healthcare and Public Health …

MI5 and the FBI warn about the cyber threat posed by China

UK US flag

Ken McCallum, the MI5 director general and Christopher Wray, the FBI director have delivered a joint statement at the MI5 building in London, warning that China is carrying out economic espionage and hacking operations to steal technology for competitive gain. “We consistently see that it’s the Chinese government that poses …

Three US Agencies issue an advisory about Chinese threat actors

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), the National Security Agency (NSA), and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) have issued a joint advisory about Chinese state sponsored threats. People’s Republic of China State-Sponsored Cyber Actors Exploit Network Providers and Devices | CISA Chinese threat actors have been detected actively …