This story starts off as Science Fiction come true but rapidly becomes about privacy

Science Fiction Contact Lenses

Contact lens computer screens, you cannot get more Mission Impossible, Batman (have you seen the latest Batman?) or just science fiction than that. Pop in your contact lenses and useful info is floating there in front of your world. Need a photo, blink twice. Need to know what “today’s Specials” …

Online Rights of the Child

If you run an online service that is aimed at children, or children will use, then read this and check you and your developers are following the code. Best interests of the child self-assessment | ICO

The ICO steps in – The Scottish Government needs to be more transparent with respect to citizen’s personal information and the COVID-19 app

Scottish Government

The Information Commissioner’s Office has issued a written reprimand to both the Scottish Government and NHS National Services Scotland about failures in how citizen’s personal data was used and handled by the NHS Scotland COVID Status app. Governments should not be making these types of mistakes. See the ICO article …

The Midlands Partnership NHS Trust – apologises for a data breach – but your data is still out there!

Yet another data breach by an NHS Trust and yet another apology (it is sincere) – but the private information of people they were caring for is still out there in wild. Where anyone can access it and abuse it. NHS trust apologises for Covid trial data breach – BBC …