Redline information stealer malware targets Internet Explorer

Emotet is among the most distributed malware in March, Redline malware has been being deployed extensively by hackers in April 2022, specifically targeted at Internet Explorer More than 10,000 Redline malware attacks in April targeting Internet Explorer vulnerability – The Record by Recorded Future RedLine malware can steal login credentials …

Another Google Chrome patch issued

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Google has found another Chrome exploit in the wild – make sure you have the patches installed: Google issues third emergency fix for Chrome this year • The Register Why auto-updates and patches are a good idea – Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge vulnerabilities patched – Smart Thinking Solutions

Why auto-updates and patches are a good idea – Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge vulnerabilities patched

software patches are essential cybersecurity

Patches were pushed out last week to address serious vulnerabilities in both Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge (based on Chromium the open-source web browser project from Google). Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge updated to close security hole • The Register If you do not think you got the updates automatically – …