Many people use the Stripe payment plugin, including some of our clients – all of whom have been contacted by our support team. WordPress Stripe payment plugin bug leaks customer order details ( Have your web developers or cyber security support contacted you? Do you even know if this issue …
Another network hardware flaw – this time VPNs
Lat week it was Barracuda this week it is Fortinet VPNs: Fortinet fixes critical RCE flaw in Fortigate SSL-VPN devices, patch now ( By now you should have realised that network hardware has to be on your cyber security to do list. A note on VPNs I am away this …
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Credentials – A Primer
Today I am going to look at why credentials are so important in cyber security? Credentials for identity The management of credentials across your organisation for all services is an important impact of your cyber security, whether it is someone using the global administrator account as their “daily driver” work …
Buy new hardware!
This is always a difficult conversation with clients – when we come across redundant hardware or hardware that is reaching or reached it’s EOL – “you need to replace it”. It is always the cost! However sometimes you just have to do it – especially if it causes a security …
Authentication – Who Do You Let In?
Authentication, Authorisation and Accountability. This is the first part of a three-part series looking at the basics of the cyber security principle of “AAA”. Today we will start with Authentication It seems the easiest of principles. Everyone needs a username and password (credentials) to access any of your organisation’s systems. …