Another case of a false positive and why we must not let these incidents weaken our cybersecurity stance

The highly respected security software vendor Malwarebytes, slipped up this time, classifying Google and YouTube as malware for short time: Malwarebytes mistakenly blocks Google, YouTube for malware ( I recently wrote about false positives and their possible impact on the cyber security stance of an organisation – if you did …

False positives something we all have to deal with – Including Microsoft. At least read this post for its two Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy references!

tesla in space dont panic

Our team often get desperate calls from clients, who are expecting an urgent email which they know has been sent, but they have not received it. The support staff usually quickly check the anti-virus, advanced threat protection, the firewall or other barrier/filtering protection (depending on what the client has) to …

Ransomware attacks – just in case you have forgotten that any organisation can be compromised – three tips to help you face up to the threat

Verizon Stats

Bored with ransomware stories? Read this one, it has a very nice Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy reference. There have been a flurry of ransomware attacks in the news recently – but these are only the ones that make the headlines. Louisiana authorities investigating ransomware attack on city of Alexandria …