Indian Government’s confidential information security directive leaks!

So the Indian government issued a confidential document to it’s employees on how to keep things secure and secret. It sounds like a great idea and something you should be doing in your organisation – Octagon Technology has such a document. Our document is version controlled, and I, as CISO, …

VPN companies start to vote with their feet when it comes to storing user data in India

VPN on holiday

Because of the soon to be law, requirements for VPN companies operating in India, to keep full logs of their user’s activities for five years, so India’s Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) and law enforcement can have access to them – so removing the levels of privacy that a VPN …

India in the news – when is privacy not so private? UPDATED 20 May 2022


This article was first published on 5 May 2022 Update 20 May 2022 The Indian government has moved on it’s hard line approach to incident report reporting, and some of the other provisions in their new cyber security laws – except the rules on VPNs! India slightly softens infosec incident …