Here is the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) notice on the Apple updates – which we have highlight here on Smart Thinking. Apple Releases Security Updates for Multiple Products | CISA Time to patch everything Apple – UPDATED 18 May 2022 – Smart Thinking Solutions
Research that shows it is possible to hack an iPhone when it is turned off and drive off in your Tesla – UPDATED 18 May 2022 with real world examples of Bluetooth vulnerabilities
This is theoretical research that shows it may be possible to run malware on an iPhone that is still active even when the phone is powered off, by abusing a lack of authentication in the Bluetooth system and the fact that the Bluetooth is used in the Apple “find my…” …
Time to patch everything Apple – UPDATED 18 May 2022
The list of patches is at SANS, check your cyber security organisation information to see how this impacts you and fix it. The iPod Touch is still being supported in updates – but you would expect that from Apple. Apple Patches Everything – SANS Internet Storm Centre iOS 15.5 and …
Continue reading “Time to patch everything Apple – UPDATED 18 May 2022”
Because It’s Friday – The End of an Era
The iPod is no more… Twenty-one years after Steve Jobs announced the iconic product to the world, this week Apple announced it was discontunuing production of the current model – the iPod Touch – with no plans to replace it. The iPod was to revolutionise how we consumed music and …
NCSC warns of risks with App stores
This is a warning that we not only access App stores from our phones, but smart TVs, smart speakers, voice assistants, games consoles, computers and other devices all have app stores we use. Application Stores – NCSC.GOV.UK If there are any weaknesses in these various app stores, then you can …