Apple patching everything

apple patch

Sans Internet Storm Diary has a good round-up of the latest Apple software/OS updates and patches: Apple Patches Everything: October 2022 Edition – SANS Internet Storm Center These updates should happen automatically, but it is your responsibility to make sure they actually happen – so check.

Apple security flaw is so serious they extended the fix to older devices

software patches are essential cybersecurity

This the zero-day WebKit vulnerability that Apple patched in mid-August for current operating systems and Safari. The flaw is so serious and there are reports of it being exploited in the wild that Apple has issued a security advisory covering older devices and iOS versions: About the security content of …

Check and get your Apple tech updated now!

We have been covering these issues, here is the BBC’s article about the vulnerabilities: Hackers may have exploited security flaws – Apple – BBC News Apple releases emergency patch for two iPhone, Mac zero-day vulnerabilities being exploited – The Record by Recorded Future