Java vulnerabilities to look out for – Spring4Shell – UPDATE 23 April 2022

This story was first published on 31 March 2022 and Updated on 5 April 2022 Update 26 April 2022 There has been a steady increase in the number of active attacks against this and related vulnerabilities: Hackers hammer SpringShell vulnerability in attempt to install cryptominers | Ars Technica This is …

Oracle Patches

software patches are essential cybersecurity

If you have anything from software provider Oracle – then it is time to get patching. Oracle Critical Patch Update Advisory – April 2022 Time to get patching: Oracle’s quarterly Critical Patch Update arrives with 520 fixes | ZDNet Oracle Releases April 2022 Critical Patch Update | CISA Oracle Java …

Log4j exploits and behind the scenes with the Apache patching team

Here is an interesting article from the team at Apache dealing with patching the Log4j problem: The Apache Log4j team talks about the Log4Shell patching process – The Record by Recorded Future But the exploits in the wild are still happening: Threat actor target Ubiquiti network appliances using Log4Shell exploits …