Cold War spying is a long way from today’s cyber-espionage weapons but they both successfully stole information – #BeCyberSmart

Source: The Brush Pass Project Brazen

This article comes via Bruce Schneier, and fits nicely into the Weekend Project – it is about security and has some connections to the posts we run here at Smart Thinking. Both Clive and I have attended Bruce Schneier speaking events, and through Clive’s links with Edinburgh Napier University have …

WhatsApp will not lower security

“If asked by the government to weaken encryption, it would be “very foolish” to accept, Will Cathcart told the BBC.” BBC News website Will Cathcart is Head of WhatsApp at Meta. WhatsApp: We won’t lower security for any government – BBC News

Who decides who the good guys are? Don’t worry though NSO only sells it’s spyware to approved governments and law enforcement agencies

Here is another report from the well respected Citizen Lab about the use/misuse, sale/mis-sale of the spyware Pegasus by the Israeli NSO Group. GeckoSpy: Pegasus Spyware Used Against Thailand’s Pro-Democracy Movement – The Citizen Lab The sale of these types of cyber weapons on the open market, is enabling governments …