Ransomware will not go away but to keep it under some type of restraint, law enforcement and government have to take dramatic action: Russia’s Ransomware Gangs Are Being Named and Shamed | WIRED UK Is time for you to have a look at my ongoing ransomware advice series? The Ransomware …
For the parents out there
Also for the grandparents, aunts, uncles, carer, guardians…. This will not make comfortable reading but I thought it was important to highlight this story, in the light of my position on the UK Government’s Online Safety Bill. I am for any actions that work to stop Big Tech ignoring or …
Law enforcement successes against cyber-crime – even though the criminals used end-to-end encryption
The UK Online Safety Bill wants end to end encryption for everyone removed so law enforcement can solve cyber-crime easier – but good policing does not need it
Warrantless police access to 250 million devices
This story is from the United States and applies to law enforcement over there – but what happens over there often comes here: Sneaky ways cops could access data to widely prosecute abortions in the US | Ars Technica Our privacy is important so we all need to be aware …
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It looks like the Online Safety Bill is in chaos
I have my issues with the UK Online Safety bill, but overall I think it has some promise to protect the vulnerable – but this report in The Guardian is showing that the bill my be heading for chaos: UK government criticised for failing to protect children from online harm …
Continue reading “It looks like the Online Safety Bill is in chaos”