CISA is the US government’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency and a very good source cyber security and software patching information. Last week they posted several software patching updates and known vulnerabilities that are being exploited and mitigations for them. Samba Releases Security Updates for Multiple Versions of Samba | …
Patch your QNAP NAS now!
QNAP is a popular brand of soho NAS, available widely on Amazon. QNAP have released a security patch to fix a serious flaw, that if exploited could give threat actors administrator control of your device and information. QNAP warns customers to patch Linux Sudo flaw in NAS devices (
Linux for Business (Part II)
This is part 2 my article about Linux at Work – part 1 is over on Octagon Technology. You should read that first before continuing. This is the continuing story of a surplus Windows 8 hybrid notebook/tablet conversion to Linux… Cyber Security on Linux Mint This section is a bit …
IceFire ransomware encrypts both Windows and Linux systems
Now your Linux servers will be encrypted with a new variant of the IceFire ransomware.. You do not have Linux, then the malware will switch to its Windows version. IceFire ransomware now encrypts both Linux and Windows systems ( Ransomware will always be adapting – you need to as well. …
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The bad guys do not always get it right…
I write a lot of bad news stories here, it is the nature of a cyber security news site – that’s why we have Because It’s Friday – but here is a good news story when the threat actors get it wrong: First Linux variant of Clop ransomware targeted universities, …