Google Chrome’s 9th zero-day vulnerability of 2022 now patched

Patches and Updates

Software is difficult and no matter how much vendors test, both black and white hackers will find vulnerabilities once the software has been released. The issue is how fast does the vendor respond with patches once a vulnerability has been found. Google Chrome emergency update fixes 9th zero-day of the …


Black Lotus Labs has discovered a new strain a malware, they are calling it Chaos. The new is very telling – the malware is infecting a wide range of devices and servers, Linux, Windows, small office routers etc. One of the servers infected was hosting an instance of GitHub, bringing …

‘Metador’ a new cyber security threat

Bleeping Computers is reporting on the discovery of a new cyber-criminal gang, Metador, who have apparently been infiltrating ISPs, telecos and universities for the last two years: New hacking group ‘Metador’ lurking in ISP networks for months ( The group have been involved in some complex operations using Windows and …