Then there was a third problem with WordPress… BackupBuddy

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WordPress plugin called BackupBuddy I wrote an article today for our training site CyberAwake, questioning exactly how much governance organisations are extending to their websites. The article started off because of two WordPress issues this week and during my background reading for the article I came across this from last …

Two WordPress vulnerability posts in a day – WPGateway zero-day vulnerability

WordPress website claim

Earlier today I wrote about the FishPig/Magento supply chain attack, now I have come across another WordPress cyber security problem. A popular WordPress plugin is being actively exploited. PSA: Zero-Day Vulnerability in WPGateway Actively Exploited in the Wild ( The Wordfence Threat Intelligence team have warned that WordPress sites running …

Do you use FishPig ecommerce software? You don’t know. Then check now because it may have been compromised.

This is a classic supply chain attack. UK based FishPig, seller of Magento WordPress integrations, ecommerce software has discovered that its distribution server had been compromised, which allowed threat actors backdoor access to the customer’s systems. The ecommerce software is believed to be used by more than 200,000 websites. Breach …