Having written yesterday about why technical cyber security defences are essential but are flawed because of the human element can be exploited directly by social engineering, here is a costly real world example of social engineering working: North Korean Hackers Steal $1.5B in Cryptocurrency – Schneier on Security There is …
When technical cyber security fails you…
It is not unreasonable to say that ransomware is at epidemic levels, report after report says that malware, ransomware and cyber extortion is on the rise (Beaman, Barkworth, Akande, Hakak and Khan. 2021 and Oz, Aris, Levi and Uluagac. 2021), and that cyber security is important. We all take precautions …
Ransomware Gangs are obviously looking for the big fish!
The Indian company Tata is probably one of the big fish that threat actors were wishing to catch. Plenty of data, lots of worldwide customers and a bank account that can pay a reasonable ransom. Indian tech giant Tata Technologies hit by ransomware attack It appears from initial press releases …
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“I have a Mac – I’m secure!”
I am sure I am not alone in having heard this one from clients in the past. It was not true then and fortunately now Mac users now they are at as much risk of a cyber attack as a Windows, Linux, Android, etc. user. This malware attack uses a …
Phishing network disrupted
Phishing attacks are repeatedly shown to be the number one cyber security risk for organisations in the UK – see the report linked below. So, anything that disrupts the threat actor’s ability to carry out and exploit these types of cyber-attacks is good news for everyone. Microsoft and the US …