The old trick of using a zero-point font in a document to conceal information you do not want to be readily detected by the reader, is being exploited again in a new way. This time it is being used to show Outlook emails as having been safely scanned when in …
Ransomware is back in the news
Ransomware is probably the most serious cyber security threat any organisation has to deal with. The threat actors are relentless with their efforts to infect both targeted victims and victims of opportunity. The usual ways in are a phishing email or infected webpage, with a convincing social engineering message. Here …
Apple MacOS Malware
Once upon a time I would be lectured by Mac users on how Macs did not get malware or computer viruses. This was probably because the user base was not big enough to attract threat actors. Today however things are very different. Macs are as vulnerable as any other computer …
Take care with unsolicited Teams files
A series of phishing attacks are being run using infected .zip files distributed via Microsoft Teams: Microsoft Teams phishing attack pushes DarkGate malware ( The zip file says it is a vacation schedule – but it is not really. A quick look at the article will show you how convincing …
Why knowing what is installed on your network is important…
Here is a cautionary tale of redundant software. Before Macs got dark mode, many companies produced dark mode applets and many Mac users who could not live without dark mode, downloaded them and used them. Then Apple introduced dark mode and these applets became redundant. Many users uninstalled the applets …
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