I do not think the current version of the UK Government’s Draft Online Safety Bill is very good as it removes our right to use encrypted communications, knowing that they can not be decrypted. This solution does not address the issue the Government is selling the bill on – child …
Your privacy tracked
You must remember that companies such as Alphabet and Meta, apparently give away services for free and so consequently have huge use bases for their apps. However the cost to you is usually some information about your usage, which they can then monetise, because it takes a lot of money …
DuckDuckGo – you probably have not heard of this search engine
DuckDuckGo is a search engine that is interested in your privacy and has designed its web browser to protect it and keep you anonymous. Not that it appears many of us out here in internet land care about our privacy – Google builds dossiers about us from out use of …
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BBC tech review of 2021
Year in tech: The stories making headlines in 2021 – BBC News
Meta takes steps to protect user privacy
Meta (Facebook) has taken steps to remove companies and organisations from it’s platforms it accuses of “… targeting individuals including journalists and human rights activists.” Meta bans surveillance-for-hire firms for targeting users – BBC News More on this here: Facebook takes down accounts for seven “cyber-mercenary” firms – The Record …