More Twitter issues – and why text messages are a poor authentication option

Now the SMS text authentication is only working for some people: Twitter’s SMS Two-Factor Authentication Is Melting Down | WIRED Do you want to know why SMS text message authentication is a very poor third behind app based multi-factor authentication and just about anything else? Read on: Twitter ‘closes offices’ …

Did you know that multi-factor authentication can be defeated by threat actors?

mfa cat

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is not perfect and it can be compromised by threat actors. However, we still stand by our advice to all our clients: Always use MFA – using and authenticator app – whenever it is available. I published an article yesterday on CyberAwake about some of the issues …

Catching up with US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency latest advisories

Whilst I have been away CISA has continued issuing useful advice. It added a Google Chromium vulnerability to the Known Exploited Vulnerabilities Catalog. Google Chromium is an open–source browser project and is behind many widely used browsers including Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. CISA Has Added One Known Exploited Vulnerability …