Although this article looks at the image cropping security issue from the position of a whistle-blower, it could just as easily apply to a document you send out to a client or supplier or use internally. For example and image of pay scales across a company where you crop out …
Google ads malvertising campaign evades anti-virus detection
Data stealing malware, pushed through compromised Google search ads, is attempting to evade detection by using virtualisation components: Google ads push ‘virtualized’ malware made for antivirus evasion ( Researchers think this new type of attack strategy and other emerging attack vectors are being prompted s as reaction to Microsoft tightening …
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When planning for a cyber incident – remember about outages
Cyber incidents that impact your organisation are not always malicious. A cleaner could pull the plug on your server or a member of staff may inadvertently switch a vital bit of your network off (I have seen t done, too many times) or a service that you rely on may …
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User’s not understanding what secure configurations are, is the first step towards a cyber security incident. UPDATED
This original post was made on 23 August 2022 Update 21 October 2022 There has been another “mis-configuration story this week – Microsoft exposed thousands of client records when they mis-configured a server. Following a report in the summer of patient information leaking from a health care company because of …