Let’s start with your takeaway from this story. You need to include your network infrastructure/hardware in your cyber security plan and updating. Check with your IT and/or Cyber Security Support that this is being done. (Our team has just completed a complete Wi-Fi infrastructure upgrade for a complex site that …
Routers and NAS Devices
Recently we covered the issues of hardware vulnerabilities and how network devices and other hardware are often missed when it comes to cyber security patching. Here are two more examples of why you should not miss the hardware… New Condi malware builds DDoS botnet out of TP-Link AX21 routers (bleepingcomputer.com) …
Cyber Security and Hardware
Both Martin, over on Octagon and I wrote about the importance of hardware in your cyber security plan. Cyber Essentials and hardware | Octagon Technology Buy new hardware! | Smart Thinking Solutions This came about because of some serious flaws in various Barracuda Networks devices. Now Barracuda Networks has issued …
Another network hardware flaw – this time VPNs
Lat week it was Barracuda this week it is Fortinet VPNs: Fortinet fixes critical RCE flaw in Fortigate SSL-VPN devices, patch now (bleepingcomputer.com) By now you should have realised that network hardware has to be on your cyber security to do list. A note on VPNs I am away this …
Continue reading “Another network hardware flaw – this time VPNs”
Buy new hardware!
This is always a difficult conversation with clients – when we come across redundant hardware or hardware that is reaching or reached it’s EOL – “you need to replace it”. It is always the cost! However sometimes you just have to do it – especially if it causes a security …