Has Microsoft been compromised? Check your Microsoft independent backups. UPDATED

This post was originally made on 22 March 2022 Following attacks on Nvidia and Samsung, there were claims over the weekend form the extortion gang Lapsus$ that they had breached Microsoft. Microsoft investigates Lapsus$ claim of Bing, Cortana theft • The Register Microsoft investigating Lapsus$ claims of Bing, Cortana data …

More bad news for Nvidia – and advice for them (and you) on risk and mitigation – updated

This post was originally published on 5 March 2022 In the among the data recently stolen from Nvidia, a certificate has been found that can be used to sign malware aimed at Windows machines. What this means is the software will be exploiting the built in “trust” that Microsoft and …

Ransomware gang demands the right to mine with Nvidia cards

Following this story: Nvidia malware – on their internal systems and included in unauthorised “unlocking” software – Smart Thinking Solutions The cyber criminals have issued their ransomware demands: Cybercriminals who breached Nvidia issue one of the most unusual demands ever | Ars Technica The demand – unlock your graphics cards …