The headline really says it all. Here is another example of the UK Government trying to control the internet and encroach on our privacy, by law, and failing. When they should be remembering Magna Carta which established the principles of due process and getting the police to investigate when a …
Cryptography after the aliens land
That headline intrigued you didn’t it? It’s the title of an essay by Bruce Schneier, whose titles are often intriguing. How about “Click here to kill everybody”, “Data and Goliath” or “Liars and Outliers”? Schneier has a great sense of humour and always gives good value as a speaker too. …
Bad laws will only give a political sticky plaster to the technologically uninformed
I am sure it is situations like this that motivates the good politicians to back the Government’s draft Online Safety Bill. Metaverse app allows kids into virtual strip clubs – BBC News But in reality, as someone who has been in technology for many years, I cannot see how their …
Now we are going out again – do not forget your VPN
Now we are back out there using public Wi-Fi again here is a timely reminder from TechRepublic about keeping yourself secure. Don’t browse on public Wi-Fi without a VPN | TechRepublic A few weeks ago I was away, both for a break and to get some time away from the …
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Here is a positive move the Government could make to improve child safety online
Go after Roblox (and any other Big Tech) and make them shut this type of activity down: Roblox: The children’s game with a sex problem – BBC News It still does not mean I think the Draft Online Safety Bill will solve all these problems.