Identity theft, as cyber attacks go, is pretty easy to understand – a threat actor gains control of a user’s credentials (identity) and then attacks the service (organisation), posing as that user. There are nuances but that is the attack in the briefest of terms. Credential and identity theft are …
Pancakes and Cyber Security
I know it is not Wednesday – but here is the “Wednesday Bit” early because today is Pancake Day. Flipping Your Cyber Security: Lessons from Pancakes So, what can pancakes teach us about flipping your cyber security? Just like making the perfect pancake, keeping your business secure requires the right …
Attcks on M365 Credentials
It still works, set up a lot of devices to just try their luck to break into as many M365 accounts as possible – it will work sometimes. In this case over 100,000 devices have been hijacked to create a botnet that also side steps MFA security using an outdated …
At least we will be a lot safer now…
This is a follow-up article to: Encryption or Not Encryption | Smart Thinking Solutions Apple has or is going to remove the end-to-end encryption services from all UK users, so if law enforcement can show probable cause, they can now access that infomration. Apple pulls data protection tool after UK …
Encryption or Not Encryption
I am a great advocate of clients using encryption to enhance their cyber security and I have written a number of articles explaining how encryption is an easy cyber security step to implement. Here are a couple of them: In Support of Encryption Email Encryption I also think encryption is …