If we did not use passwords, then the world would probably be a more secure place. Why? Read on: Something better than a password – Passwordless Authentication – CyberAwake
Password Banks are becoming the new targets
Keeping all your unique and complicated passwords online and available whenever you need is a good idea – but the password bank has to be secure. Both LastPass and BitWarden have their problems – now KeePass may or may not have a problem: KeePass disputes vulnerability allowing stealthy password theft …
Continue reading “Password Banks are becoming the new targets”
Another Password Vault Under Attack
Following LastPass security issues, BitWarden has seen some traction as an alternative – especially as you could run your own BitWarden server – I wrote about that here. Now BitWarden (among other password vault software) has come under threat via a malicious Google Ads phishing campaign, where the threat actors …
Do you know what an Excel XLL file is? The hackers do.
An Excel XLL file is a an add-in file that allows third parties to add extra functionality to Microsoft Excel – pretty useful. But of course the threat actors have extended that third party functionality to include malware. Now, just like with macros, Microsoft is blocking XLL files, originating from …
Continue reading “Do you know what an Excel XLL file is? The hackers do.”
A hack and some good planning
Planet Ice – operators of an ice rink in Bristol – have been hacked and customer data has been compromised. That is the bad news. The good news is – and I am going to say here that Planet Ice planned this, but I have no evidence, just the benefit …