Following the revelations by Peiter Zatko, the former head of security at Twitter: Is Twitter a decade behind in its security practices? – Smart Thinking Solutions It now emerges that one of the essential steps in a Twitter password reset – logging out of any and all devices already logged …
Credential stuffing attacks
This research by Okta highlights the issue of users recycling passwords: Okta: Credential stuffing accounts for 34% of all login attempts ( There were more login attempts by threat actors than legitimate ones! They were just trying out passwords to see if someone was stupid, (sorry if you do not …
Spell checkers leaking passwords to Microsoft and Google!
Here is a security concern that you may not have thought of. The enhanced (not the basic one the products ship with) spell check functionality in Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome sends information back and forth between your machine and their servers but it appears this information can include personally …
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Do not use the password Qwerty1234 – the hackers know that one!
It is being reported that the hack on the Holiday Inn was done for fun and that the hackers, from Vietnam, used the password Qwerty1234 to gain access. IHG hack: ‘Vindictive’ couple deleted hotel chain data for fun – BBC News If you want your people to have a better …
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Technology in Schools
I have a friend from the MSc course, who is a teacher here in the UK, and he is often caught by the schools very high security stance, when he is trying to teach cyber security to his students. Many of the legitimate sites and resources he wants access to …