Just before we get to the James Webb space telescope. I prepare these Friday offerings during the week as I see something interesting. Once posted on a Friday, it is inevitable I then see something else, on Friday afternoon – which was the case with the James Webb initial alignment …
Password cracking, digital identity and a big snowball!
Passwords are important as they form the bedrock of our personal cyber security – Diana recently sent me this article on password strength: Experts reveal how long it would take to crack your specific password (msn.com) Passwords were a big thing during my Master’s cyber security degree – their use, …
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Credential leaks
It is always an issue when websites lose control of your credentials – it is a real worry when it is a site used by cyber security professionals. Credentials Leaks on VirusTotal – San Internet Storm Centre
Something to read on a Saturday – no more passwords
For when you are having a coffee. Passwords were never designed to secure the technology we have today. If (when) we get quantum computers passwords will definitely not work. Here is an article from Jeff Burt at The Register looking at a future without passwords. The zero-password future can’t come …
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More on the San Francisco 49ers and leaked data online
San Francisco 49ers hit by ransomware, files leaked online • The Register I am going to highlight this attack as some of my information may have been compromised.