Regular readers will know the importance I attach to software and firmware patches as part of any cyber security plan. In fact, with most projects, managed and monitored updates one of the first things we implement across an organisation as it gives an immediate win for improved cyber security. Restarting …
Cyber Security Updates
The US government’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) is a key resource for us to keep up with the cyber security patches issued by the major – and sometimes more fringe – vendors. We especially pay attention in the week of Microsoft Patch Tuesday, as other vendors often issue …
Microsoft Patch Tuesday – March 2024
Today is the second Tuesday of the month that means our support team have been reviewing our client monitoring reports and the SOC to check that the Microsoft Patch Tuesday updates have been completed. the team will keep an eye on the reports for the next day or two to …
White Hat Hackers
Here is some cyber security good news. Bugs in software found by the researchers before threat actors could exploit them: Google paid $10 million in bug bounty rewards last year ( Software is complicated and bug bounties paid by vendors is a good incentive for people to help them spot …
Not the story you want to read…
This is not the headline you want you want to read, when you have written Microsoft into your cyber security plan as an A1 trusted supplier of services! Hackers exploited Windows 0-day for 6 months after Microsoft knew of it | Ars Technica Mine and your expectations of Microsoft is …