Here is a follow-up to last week’s Microsoft Snipping Tool story about potential data leaks after an image was cropped – a patch! Microsoft pushes OOB security updates for Windows Snipping tool flaw ( The out-of-band (OOB) patch is available now – if you – or someone in your company …
Cisco security patches released
The US government Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) is one of my go to resources for cyber security information – particularly when it comes to patching vulnerable products. Cisco Releases Security Advisories for Multiple Products – CISA
Why Zero-day attacks are a real issue
The gap between the vendor discovering a vulnerability and the patch getting to you will always be an issue – this is the zero-day threat. It escalates if the threat actors became aware of the vulnerability and exploits it before the vendor becomes aware. Now research by Mandiant shows that, …
CISA security advisory for Drupal
Drupal is a CMS platform, similar to WordPress, so it is out there on the internet, vulnerable for exploitation. So if you use Drupal get it patched: Drupal Releases Security Advisory to Address Vulnerability in Drupal Core | CISA Do you know if your organisation’s website is hosted on Drupal …
US government Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Advisories
The US government Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) site in one of my “go to” places for information on vulnerabilities, exploitations and patches. Built for the US Government, and American centric, it is still a great resource. This week it has run an excellent article for security professionals on …
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