The release says one vulnerability, but if you check there are two, for Microsoft and Fortinet. CISA Has Added One Known Exploited Vulnerability to Catalog | CISA
Yesterday was Patch Tuesday for Microsoft
So, everyone knows what that means, for the users, slow internet connections as we all gather in those vital updates, for the administrators, checking what needs to be done and checking that it has happened – including checking that the users have not skipped the updates because they are too …
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Cisco has released multiple security updates for its products
The US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has released a cyber security notification about Cisco devices: Cisco Releases Security Updates for Multiple Products | CISA
A new approach that is bad for us…
Threat actors have developed a new approach to malware that exploits legitimate drivers making it more difficult to defend against the malware. To date over 1000 drivers have been impacted: BlackByte ransomware abuses legit driver to disable security products ( What makes this “Bring Your Own Vulnerable Driver” (BYOVD) method …
CISA issues security advisories across a range of popular products
It has been a busy couple of days at the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency as they issue a range of security advisories: Drupal Releases Security Update | CISA Microsoft Releases Guidance on Zero-Day Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Exchange Server | CISA Cisco Releases Security Updates for Multiple Products | …
Continue reading “CISA issues security advisories across a range of popular products”