At last, the real issue when big (or small) companies get hacked and control of collected PII is lost…

If you force all of your users to register to use the device or features, they have purchased and as part of that compulsory registration you collect sensitive and personally identifiable information – then make sure your cyber security is up to the job of protecting this information. Samsung is …

NHS cyber-attack issue still continuing two months later…

NHS cyber attack

Although the attack on NHS systems, back in August was contained, the systems hit are still not fully funstional: Oxford Health: Cyber attack continues to hit NHS trust’s services – BBC News The NHS 111 non-emergency/first call service was infected by ransomware and severely disrupted and the disruption is still …

American Airlines data breach due to employee email accounts being compromised

American Airlines had to write to customers to explain that personal data had been stolen through a cyber-attack – although they did state in the letter that there was no evidence of that personal data having been misused! I would like to see their evidence of that, because I think …

Phishing wave after Revolut security is compromised and personal information is stolen

Following a breach of security of the international financial technology company Revolut, which was quickly dealt with by their security team, over 50,000 client accounts were compromised and information stolen. Although information such as, email addresses, phone numbers, account data and some limited credit/debit card data was stolen, PIN, detailed …