My personal delivery scam. I was working at my desk the other day, thinking about stopping for lunch, when I got the following text message: Now I was waiting for a delivery, I had ordered a camping kettle from AliExpress, but the last time I looked it was not scheduled … phishing attacks
We use for our business travel, so this story was going to make the news this week. ClickFix attack delivers infostealers, RATs in fake emails This is a long running phishing campaign that is obviously still having success in trapping victims – targeting organisations that use for …
Social Engineering nets $1.5B
Having written yesterday about why technical cyber security defences are essential but are flawed because of the human element can be exploited directly by social engineering, here is a costly real world example of social engineering working: North Korean Hackers Steal $1.5B in Cryptocurrency – Schneier on Security There is …
When technical cyber security fails you…
It is not unreasonable to say that ransomware is at epidemic levels, report after report says that malware, ransomware and cyber extortion is on the rise (Beaman, Barkworth, Akande, Hakak and Khan. 2021 and Oz, Aris, Levi and Uluagac. 2021), and that cyber security is important. We all take precautions …
Celebrity Phishing Attack
On his own confession – Nick clicked on a link in what looked like a genuine email from X and then lost control of his account. The email had explained that he had made a post that had violated X’s rules and his account was going to be closed – …