More on the Red Cross phishing scam

Following on from this story: Red Cross spam phishing emails doing the rounds – Smart Thinking Solutions Johannes Ullrich, form the SANS Internet Storm Diary, has more details about the payment methods offered: No Bitcoin – No Problem: Follow Up to Last Weeks Donation Scam – SANS Internet Storm Centre

Just in case you missed the memo – ransomware gets to you in phishing emails

Cybersecurity email threat

Ransomware infections top list of the most common results of phishing attacks | TechRepublic I have to quote Brandon Vigliarolo, from Tech Republic: “Eighty-four percent of organizations were phishing victims last year, 59% of whom were hit with ransomware. Why, then, do less than a quarter of boards think ransomware …

82% of Companies pay ransomware demands to get their data back – only 4% got it back – now sign up for our Cyber Security Master Class

fight back get trained

The UK Government discourages organisations, hit by ransomware, from paying cyber criminals to get their information back. But we all knew it was happening. I was at a talk last week by Bruce Schneier, where he spoke about US companies keeping quiet about cyber-attacks if they could, even though in …