Ransomware is one of the biggest cyber security threats organisations and individuals have to deal with and it is so easy for the hacker to get the malware to you – just send you and email. In your rush to deal with your email you mistakeningly open an attachment or …
Voicemail social engineering scam targets WhatsApp users – three tips to help you spot the scams
This is a social engineering combining a phishing email and an attached voicemail file – that can evade many security systems, including Microsoft’s and Google’s, as it appears to be from a legitimate source. Hackers employ voicemail phishing attacks on WhatsApp users | TechRepublic Our Social Engineering and Email Cyber …
Malware in the wild – in an Excel file sent out by email. Could you spot it?
Here is a classic phishing email attack – millions of potential emails could contain this, could you spot it? It also includes the dreaded “Enable Macro” request. Windows MetaStealer Malware – Sans Internet Storm Centre Windows MetaStealer Malware – SANS Internet Storm Center
Bank that lacked basic security suffers predictable fate • The Register Where have these people been living – under a stone! Andra Pradesh Mahesh Co-Operative Urban Bank – 45 branches, holding money that people entrusted to them.