Report a malicious email through the NCSC website – and more password advice

CyberAwake passwords

You can report a suspect malicious email through the National Cyber Security Centre website – over 10,000,000 have been reported: Nation of digital defenders blow the whistle on over 10… – NCSC.GOV.UK Report a scam email – NCSC.GOV.UK There is also good advice there about passwords – but see our …

New ransomware identified – training is your first defence before the technical defences catch up

Social Engineering and Email Cyber Security Training

Researchers from Blackberry Threat Intelligence (yes THAT Blackberry – a blast from the past) have identified a new family of ransomware – LokiLocker being offered as Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) and targeting Windows machines. New Ransomware Family Identified: LokiLocker RaaS Targets Windows Systems ( The chances are high that, if you were …

Guernsey sees an increase in phishing email cyber attacks – training is the best defence

Cybersecurity email threat

According to the States of Guernsey islanders have faced a rapid increase in cyber attacks since the start of the Ukraine Russia conflict. This is based on information from a local cyber-security firm, who had a client hacked by phishing emails. Guernsey cyber-security warning for islanders and businesses – BBC …

Anatomy of a malicious email – what you should be looking out for

Cybersecurity email threat

Brad Duncan has a very good article, with an example of the phishing email and infected package on SANS Internet Storm Centre today. Qakbot infection with Cobalt Strike and VNC activity – SANS Internet Storm Centre Being familiar with these types of phishing email is your organisation’s best defence. At …