Social Engineering is real and costs organisations money – get your team trained.

Social Engineering

First let’s get a definition of social engineering: Social engineering is the art of manipulating people to give up confidential information. The types of information compromised can vary, but when organisations are targeted, the criminals are usually trying to trick you into giving them your credentials for secure systems you …

HTML emails

For those of you of a certain age, do you remember when we went from plain text email to rich content html emails? Of course, by rich content I mean some bold and italic text and some images! Here is a new attack using old technology – called Kobold Letters. …

You are vulnerable on both Android and Apple phones to this attack

apple iphone and google android phones

I wrote about a phishing-as-a-service (PhaaS) earlier this week – Threat actors target MFA – here is another one that is active on both iPhones and Android phones. New Darcula phishing service targets iPhone users via iMessage ( One of the main cyber security issues with PhaaS is that relatively …