Software and code repositories are a great resource for web and software developers – they save time, client’s money and get quality modules for their projects. GitHub is one of the most popular – with many major software players using it to develop their code and other developers, large and …
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I have quoted this from Nathalie Jimenez’s article on the BBC: Cyber-crimes are expected to cost the world $10.5tn (£9.3tn) by 2025, according to cyber-security research firm Cyber Ventures… On the current trajectory, small businesses will absorb most of the hit. They are three times more likely to be attacked …
GitHub – probably one of the biggest targets for threat actors
GitHub is one of the most popular software repositories so it stands to reason that threat actors will always be searching for ways in as infecting code at source that is then reused in multiple applications is a cost-effective way to run a cyber attack. GitHub has just patched a …
Continue reading “GitHub – probably one of the biggest targets for threat actors”
I refer you to yesterday’s blog post…
Another report of Android malware getting into the play store: Fake antivirus, Sharkbot circles back onto Google Play store | NCC Group Newsroom ( Do you have a position on Android devices and their use by your team when they are processing your information on them? You should have! Yesterday’s …
More Android malware
I wonder, is ransomware or Android malware the most prolific attack vector? I am constantly reporting on both – so I hope you have all taken steps to defend against both. New Android malware ‘RatMilad’ can steal your data, record audio ( Cheerscrypt ransomware linked to a Chinese hacking group …