Google – “cybersecurity is one of the top issues facing the world today”

The quote is from an article by Royal Hansen, Vice President of Engineering for Privacy, Safety, and Security, outlining how Google sees it’s role in making it a more secure world. Building a secure world ( I always have a seed of doubt when I read anything like this from …

Google has more ways to keep you safe online from cyber threats and protect your privacy

Google published three articles yesterday, to do with privacy and cyber security, showing how one of the world’s biggest corporations, that primarily depends on processing and using your online information for profit, is going to take steps to protect you. The first promotes the feature, in Google search, where you …

And we are back to politicians wanting to end E2EE in the name of child safety!

Having just run a post, where the ICO is promoting it’s Child Code, a very effective way of protecting children, the very next article I read whilst researching the cyber security and privacy news this morning was this: EU Plan to Scan Private Messages for Child Abuse Images Puts Encryption …