Our future encrypted security – the new algorithm needs more work

The US The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has risen to the challenge of finding the encryption we will need when quantum (or just really capable) computers are developed in the future. After a strenuous vetting period they found four contenders to work with: NIST Announces First Four …

Quantum computers – it is never too early to have a plan

A simple explanation of what a quantum computer is, without going into quantum states, parallel universes and super position, is that they will be computers that will exponentially expand our computing power beyond todays classical computers. A quantum computer is not a general purpose computer but a computing device. Quantum …

First a pandemic now an apocalypse! Click bait but worth a read!

The development of quantum computers and the subsequent evaporation of the effectiveness of current cybersecurity algorithms, encryption and software was an often discussed topic during my cybersecurity MSc. But there is no point in being scared by the prospect – but you should be informed – so read this. What …