Ransomware victims in a searchable database for threat actors to access!

It gives the threat actors a chance to check on victim’s exploited vulnerabilities, see who pays when infected by ransomware and other useful bits of information if you plan to maximise your cyber criminal profits. Experts concerned about ransomware groups creating searchable databases of victim data – The Record by …

Has the Conti Ransomware Gang finally stopped operating?

ransomware screen

Research and analysis is showing that the malicious websites run by the Conti Gang to support it’s ransomware operations are now closed: Conti ransomware finally shuts down data leak, negotiation sites (bleepingcomputer.com) However the threat actors have not gone away – ransomware makes too much money for them to simply …

Lack of knowledge will hamper anyone’s cyber security efforts


This equally applies to individuals, large and small organisations and government departments. The threat actors best friend, is when we all compartmentalise our cyber security issues, dealing with them quietly and behind closed doors – this includes trying to pay the cyber criminals off! This gives them the opportunity to …